Wednesday, April 29, 2020

More time at home

Katherine and Grant started working on a plant project.

I say "started." They gathered and pressed a variety of plants from our yard. They loved the collection part, but really lost interest in searching the books to figure out what they were.

My plan was to make a book of plants in our yard, but it wasn't really worth forcing an idea that wasn't working. I think they still learned a little and saw so much diversity and beauty in our acre.

Danny is making progress on the room he started last week!
He had to cut and put up a lot of drywall to cover the walls, ceiling and ductwork.

And an under the stairs closet too. It is looking good.

We are taking lots of walks around the neighborhood, even in the dark some nights.

I got some nice flowers and a balloon and chocolates the day before my birthday. That was a fun surprise. The delivery person scared V while she was working out in the driveway. We just aren't used to people coming to the door these days!

I try to take pictures strategically to not show too much mess, but there is constantly some mess in the house because 5 of us are home the  majority of the time. This used to be the case when the kids were little, but it has been a little more under control the last few years since Katherine started kindergarten. It is stressful to me. Even though I am naturally messy, I appreciate and strive for order. It is more beautiful to me and makes me feel in control. I am trying to remember that this is an unusual time fore all of us and not the best time to demand perfection that I am not even capable of from my family. So, we are doing our normal chores. We have had to do a little extra somedays when it gets really bad, but most of the time we are living with mess. I am glad that we have messes though because that means that we are doing things. Laundry, shoes, sweatshirts, art supplies, balls, puzzles, piles of school work, scriptures, cups, plates, snacks, dolls, games, science projects, computers, charging cords, etc. are all indicators of a very blessed life. We really are and I am so thankful.

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