Sunday, April 26, 2020

Another April Week of Staying at Home

Another week of life at home. We aren't doing as many creative homeschool things because the teachers are posting to google classrooms and a distance learning hub.

The younger kids are doing a good job with theirs.
The big kids are participating in Seminary over zoom every day and I think they are picking and choosing about their schoolwork. It doesn't count for a grade, so I am not hounding them about it, but they have to do something school/learning related until lunchtime. Victoria is working on an FCCLA leadership competition and studying for her ACT. Christian is most interested in his history class, but has occasional work from other classes too.

Danny is still at work, but not many others are in the building. 

I loved these pretty flowers collected from our yard and walks

Mrs. Korona, the Elementary school art teacher challenged the kids to do some Andy Goldsworthy inspired nature art for Earth Day. This one is by Katherine

I made outdoor art too. The wind rearranged it pretty quickly.

Katherine and Grant and I are reading several of my old childhood books for our read alouds. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing has been cracking them up. Katherine thinks she is so funny with this book selection too.
V and I started a 52 day health challenge.

Here's my "before."
V is super fit and is being nice to join in my efforts. 

Another before and after set. Thankful for a daughter who is good with hair!

Katherine and Grant set up a meditation and yoga session on Saturday

They gathered a few yoga mats, towels

and pillows. They turned off the lights, pulled the curtains and played  relaxing music. It honestly was really nice to walk into!

These guys are trying to look goofy for the picture, but I think we all actually liked it. (Lie. Danny hates sitting still and didn't like it. The rest of us liked it.) Grant led a meditation and was really good! Katherine led us in yoga. She was really good at that. V and C were great sports too.

I finished another puzzle this week. No one else wanted to do it with me. :(

I have been enjoying staying in pjs some days, but I have also decided that I am more productive when I get dressed and ready for the day. It is a balance. Not every day needs to be productive.

Also, Katherine discovered that she can climb our columns. Impressive, but I am not sure that I want her to do this all the time. She and Grant have also learned how to climb up the stairwell without touching the steps. I will have to picture that sometime too. 

These days are so weird.

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