Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Christmas Morning!

They couldn't wait to come downstairs!

Victoria got an acoustic guitar!

Christian seemed pretty excited about this playmobil circus. (I think it was intended for Grant, but sharing it has worked nicely!) Christian also got a really cool microscope which has been fun to use.

the joker house that Grant was hoping for

I made them all to do lists for their rooms.

Funny book!

Harry Potter Legos!!

An American Girl Doll, Kanani, from Grandma and Grandpa!

Giving each other hugs after opening gifts from each other! Love that they were so excited and could say thank you.

I was a little crafty this year and made a few gifts for the kids rooms- bulletin board for V.

 and a few spray painted picture frames to display some of her photos- they cost like .49 cents each, but looked awesome after just a coat or two of spray paint. The boys got curtains and curtain rods for their room. Instead of toy or clothes presents from us, the kids are having their rooms painted/ decorated in the near future. Photos to come!

Danny and I had a fun morning too. Christmas morning was awesome! The kids were very blessed with toys from family members and Santa too! We ate breakfast together, then got ready for church.. It was a good meeting. Danny and the other members of the branch presidency spoke and each did a nice job sharing Christmas messages.

It was good. Then, we came home and got ready to go to Bobby and Kattia's house to celebrate with Danny's side of the family. Next post.

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