Monday, May 25, 2009

Another lost tooth

V lost another tooth. It was so wiggly and grossing me out. I'm not sure why. Danny and Victoria just thought it was hilarious to wiggle it right in front of my face. So it was the ultimate in funny to try to pull it in front of me. I shot my eyes and covered my ears. Danny said he could see behind it when he wiggled it so asked if he could try to gently pull it out. V said sure. He gripped it with a paper towel gave it a little tug. I was expecting crying, but heard laughing! There it was in the napkin. As easy as that! She looks cute and oh so proud. 3rd one, but the first on the top and the biggest space. Her bottom two are growing in. It'll be neat to see what grows in here.

Proud V.

And the tooth she lost. Isn't the human body amazing?!!
She left a message for the tooth fairy and got a dollar last night! Good times.

1 comment:

Lorel said...

Yay! Another tooth! I love that picture of Victoria. She has great features. What a beauty!