Saturday, May 23, 2009

Christian "tired" of me!

So, here's a glimpse into a not so great mothering moment, but it is funny.
Danny had a trailer full of hay and tires for Helaman's Challenge, a big camp out for the young men in our church that he was working on. It was a group effort, but he was in charge of organizing it and coming up with the location, challenge, etc. A post for another day. Anyway, Christian was climbing on the tires, so I wanted to take a picture.

I suggested that he get in the tires for the next picture. There were some spiderwebs inside, so he didn't want to. But, we cleared them out and I put him in.

Pretty cute, eh?

Well, he started getting frustrated with me and wanted me to take him out because he was stuck. But the faces he was giving me were hilarious and I wanted to take more pictures so he had to wait for a few minutes. (Really, fewer than 2 min.) It really was funny though. Here a just a few of the faces I got. He is such a funny kid. These are sincere looks of anger.

"Get me OUT!"

Hitting the tire, but wanting to hit me

And my favorite.

I love this boy. He has such strong emotions and is such a character!