Thursday, May 2, 2019

Cows N Corn 1st grade field trip

I loved going on a field trip with Katherine and the other first graders at Yowell!

Talking to friends made our bus ride really fun!
When we got there we went on a hayride and learned about cows and the farm.

Next, we learned about sheep and wool. 
The third station was planting grass seeds in dirt in pantyhose in a cup.
Then, we had a puppet show where we learned about cows and chickens.

They each had the chance to pet a chicken.

Mrs. Sutter's class took a picture after lunch.
Lastly, we drove back to the school. 
I had a great time with Katherine and her friends! Katherine is such a happy kid- the yellow shirt is perfect for her. She is a light and a good friend to those around her. She plays easily with everyone. I want to point out that Katherine generous about sharing me with her friends. I know them all from helping in her classroom and sometimes they have a lot to tell me. I could tell that she wanted to talk too, but she was patient and waited. I want her to know that even though I love her friends and sometimes it is the right thing to do to sit with them and give them attention, I will always love her and think that she is so very important and special in my life. She is my favorite first grader!

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