Friday, May 31, 2019

Philadelphia Temple Trip

Brother Shiffler and I took the YM and YW to the Philadelphia Temple. We had a great turnout, but unfortunately Christian had a mandatory dress rehearsal and could not come. I drove all of our girls except 1 who rode with her mom and met us there. He drove all of the boys. We had a smooth, safe drive there and got there just at the right time to have about 15 minutes to walk around the temple grounds before our session. 

Our group minus 1. I think V has the picture that we took after our session that includes Olivia.
The youth were great- very well behaved for the whole trip. They were very reverent in the temple and kindly helped and taught each other. I was very proud. They are great kids and did good work for others, including their family members, today. 

We had a long, not as smooth drive home- lots of traffic in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and DC. We enjoyed eating together at Cafe Rio and were glad to get back to the church that night. It was a long, but good day! I was glad that we went.

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