Sunday, May 26, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

We kicked off the weekend with a small road trip to Gordonsville to watch Grant's team, the Nationals, beat the Gordonsville team. You can't really tell from these pictures, but it was a cute ballpark.

After the game we all drove to the river.
Saturday was a beautiful day!
Perfect for making mudpies (sand cakes?). 

Katherine said that she was "this happy to be at the river!"

They were all pretty happy when cousins came too!
 When Craig and Lorel came with the kids they brought this float and another like it. The kids enjoyed them. (The other one blew away at some point though and got lost. We looked for it on kayak and waverunner, but didn't find it. Oops! We are guessing that another family found a cool new float.) 
Victoria is so good about taking everyone
on rides!

On Sunday, we went to church in Kilmarnock. We usually stay for the whole time, but this time we had some work to do while Craig was also there, so we left after sacrament meeting. Look how pretty the Rappahannock looked when we drove over the bridge!

We are so blessed to have a place like this to spend such memorable time with family. We had a lot of time relaxing, but also took some time to work on the things that my parents usually take care of, that we sometimes take for granted. We filled some holes in the seawall, mowed, replaced and repaired a  few boards (Danny fixed the one that you can see hanging a couple pics up, after the pic was taken) and made meals. We are becoming more and more aware of all of  work that my parents do ahead of time and after we leave so that we have fun when we are there. We have been spoiled! We missed them being there, but were glad that they still wanted us to go and enjoy ourselves and our time with family. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

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